Friday, November 13, 2015

Character Bio: Panne

"Fine work for a man, and decent for a Taguel."
 Name: Panne
Best Possible Mates: Long'qu or Male Avatar
Birthday: November 18
Starting Class: Taguel

First Seen: Chapter 6: Foreseer

Personality: She doesn't have a huge personality like some other the other characters, but she's cool minded and down to earth. Panne has a strong sense of duty and pride in her Taguel heritage. She has a strong distrust toward "man-spawn" (humans) due to them killing all of her race, leaving her the only surviving one.

Strength: Panne is one of the stronger characters, as her max level is 35, 15 levels higher than the norm 20. Her strongest qualities are Strength, Speed and Skill, along with huge HP boosts as she levels up.

My Opinion: Again, Panne is one of my favorite characters. She is super unique in her backstory and abilities. She has proven herself as one of the strongest characters (at least to me) and overall I love her. Also, she is the mother of Yarne, another strong character. She is one character I have used to the end, and I have not been disappointed in the results.

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